
在Lenoir-Rhyne, 全球网赌十大网站努力使高等教育尽可能普及, 认识到支付大学学费是学生及其家庭最关心的问题.

很少有学生支付全额学费,因为全球网赌十大网站提供奖学金, 金融援助, 贷款及还款计划. 勒努瓦-莱恩式教育可以通过多种方式满足家庭预算.


  • 路德教会牧师的孩子

    如果你的父母是路德教会的牧师, 你可能有资格获得LR的奖学金.

  • 信仰的朋友

    配对礼品计划, LR will match a 奖学金 of up to $500 received from an undergraduate's Lutheran church. 你的家庭教会会众可以填写表格来申请这份配对礼物 信仰的朋友 奖学金.

  • 遗产

    如果你的父母或祖父母是勒努瓦-莱恩学院的毕业生, 你有资格得到1美元,000英镑的奖学金,就因为你是遗产.

  • LR学者

    所有被录取的学生都有资格获得劳氏奖学金, 哪个学校根据学习成绩提供经济奖励. 奖学金在全球赌博十大网站时颁发.

  • 马丁·路德·费罗斯

    专为北卡罗来纳ELCA本科生提供 马丁·路德·费罗斯 该计划奖励对教会和社区有杰出贡献的学生. 你的家庭教会会众可以填写一份表格来申请你的考虑.

  • 奖学金

    If you are admitted to LR before the 奖学金 deadline of November 15 and meet certain criteria, you may be invited to compete for merit 奖学金s as part of LR’s 奖学金 Day competition.

  • Phi 的ta Kappa

    如果你是Phi 的ta Kappa -社区大学荣誉协会的成员, 你可能有资格得到1美元,通过LR获得的000英镑奖学金.

  • 人才奖学金

    勒努瓦-莱恩学院认可学生群体的才能. 奖学金提供给在音乐、戏剧、辩论和体育方面有天赋的学生.

  • 辩论奖学金

    We offer a limited number of debate 奖学金s if you demonstrate a drive and desire to succeed at the activity and make the depth of on-campus discussion more meaningful. 欲了解更多信息,请联系凯德·汉密尔顿 凯德.hamilton@ewepub.com.

  • 戏剧奖学金

    Lenoir-Rhyne’s appreciation and commitment to theatre are evident through 奖学金 funding over four years of study if you qualify. 需要进行试镜和/或技术剧院面试. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Lindsay Weitkamp 林赛.weitkamp@ewepub.com.


我获得了奖学金,这使我有可能去LR. 我所有的学费都被支付了,这使得我的家人能够负担得起上学的费用.



作为一名学生, 辅修的:辅修或参与音乐合奏的, 你有机会参加各种奖学金的试镜. 游行乐队成员也可以获得基础奖学金. An entrance audition is required for acceptance into the music program to pursue a major or minor. 一些乐团也需要试镜.

Lenoir-Rhyne's Music Department will host audition days for 2023 on November 4 and 2024 on February 10, 3月23日, 4月13日. We also recognize that talented students are involved in many activities and may not be able to attend these specific dates. 你可以在音乐系安排另一个试镜时间 music@ewepub.com

  • 音乐专业奖学金

    的se renewable 奖学金s are available to students majoring in music (available for double major as well). 学生 must audition and demonstrate a凯德mic achievement and significant ability in their expertise. 学生必须按照音乐专业课程学习, 包括参加无伴奏合唱团或管乐交响乐团, 每学期顺利完成一门应用音乐课程. 学生 must also successfully participate in a secondary ensemble (may include Marching Band).

  • 圣乐奖学金

    适用于圣乐专业的学生. 这些数额可观的奖项每年可续期. 数量的变化. Ryan Luhrs博士.D., coordinator of the sacred music program, has the final word on 圣乐奖学金s.

  • 音乐辅修奖学金

    授予音乐辅修课程的非音乐专业学生, 这些可更新的奖项需要通过试镜,为期四年. 你必须修音乐辅修课程, 包括参加无伴奏合唱团或管乐交响乐团, 每学期顺利完成一门应用音乐课程. 你还必须成功地参加二级合奏(可能包括游行乐队).

  • 集体领导奖学金

    集体领导奖学金s are are available to students who audition and successfully participate in either the A Cappella Choir or Wind Symphony/Wind Ensemble, 每学期顺利完成一门应用音乐课程. 你还必须成功地参加二级合奏(可能包括游行乐队).

  • 集体领导奖学金

    奖学金 are available to students who successfully audition and participate in either the A Cappella Choir or Wind Symphony/Wind Ensemble 每学期顺利完成一门应用音乐课程.

  • 军乐队和仪仗队奖学金

    Awards over four years are available to students who participate successfully in the “Spirit of LR” Marching Band (including color guard).


  • 安排面试.
  • 申请入读勒努瓦-雷恩.
  • 申请经济资助. 一定要把FAFSA的报告发给勒努瓦-莱恩.
  • 准备你的试镜作品.

Formal 奖学金 awards will be made by the Office of 金融援助 after all required forms and information have been submitted.

  • 试听文学-音乐专业奖学金


    • 歌手: 声优应该准备两首对比鲜明的曲子,最好记住. 一个选择可能来自标准的声乐“古典”曲目. A second selection can be in a foreign language, (but not required), or a musical theater selection.
    • 键盘: Keyboard principals should be prepared to perform two short pieces or one more substantial selection. 管风琴师当然可以包括赞美诗前奏曲以及标准的“独奏”文学作品.
    • 乐器演奏家: 黄铜, percussion and woodwind principals should select two contrasting pieces which demonstrate your command of the instrument and of musical expression. 标准的独奏文献和练习曲都是合适的试听材料. 打击乐手可能希望演奏几种标准乐器. Instrumentalists should also be prepared to play a chromatic scale and several major and minor scales.
  • 试听文学-辅修音乐奖学金

    辅修音乐的试镜要求与主修音乐的类似. 在距离构成重大挑战的情况下, 音乐辅修奖学金试镜可以通过未编辑的视频或音频文件提交. 请确保你选择的文献能很好地代表你的表现.

  • 试镜文学-团体领导奖学金

    鼓励学生安排现场“亲自”试镜, but may certainly audition for Wind Symphony and/or A Cappella Choir 奖学金s via submitted unedited video or audio files. 的 selection of literature is at your discretion but should be extensive enough to determine your qualification for participation in a major ensemble. 黄铜 and woodwinds should include a chromatic scale over your full range and several other scales in addition to a “contest” style piece or etude. 声乐家可以从标准的“古典”文学作品中选择一段声音, a musical theater selection and/or present their vocal part from a choral selection studied or recently presented in concert.


  • 现场试镜日期:11月4日,2月10日,3月23日和4月13日.
  • 4月13日之后,音乐奖学金的试镜将以个人为基础进行安排. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 music@ewepub.com.

Lenoir-Rhyne University 奖学金s and grants cannot be combined to exceed the cost of tuition. 另外, 学生可以挣到, 但不超过, 以下两项奖项:人才奖学金, LR学者, 教学学者和其他LR计划奖学金.


的 following fellowship and 奖学金 opportunities are from sources outside of the university. 这些在本科生和研究生的可用性方面有所不同. 

  • 奖学金 & 奖学金


    巴里·戈德华特奖学金 is for sophomores and juniors who intend to pursue research careers in the natural sciences, 数学或工程. 本科研究经验是必不可少的. 最低GPA为3分.0 / 4.0; many recipients and Honorable Mentions have a 3.7 +平均绩点. 

    本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金

    这 grant program enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad – thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic competitiveness. 的 吉尔曼奖学金计划 对你开放。.S. 接受联邦佩尔助学金资助的公民本科生. 


    博伦奖 提供你.S. undergraduate and graduate students with resources and encouragement to acquire language skills and experience in countries critical to the future security and stability of the United States. 作为资金的交换, Boren award recipients agree to work in the federal government for a period of at least one year. 


    作为美国人.S. 学生项目基金 富布赖特学生项目 funds students who are looking to pursue international graduate study, research, or teaching English. 项目是全球性的,福利包括机票、食宿和健康保险. 一些国家包括学费, 语言学习, 必须有本科学历, 还不能持有博士学位.D. 

    哈利年代. 杜鲁门奖学金基金会

    的 杜鲁门奖学金 is for college students who want to attend graduate school to prepare for careers in government or elsewhere in public service. 获奖者可获得最高30美元的奖金,研究生或专业学校, participate in 领导 development activities and have special opportunities for internships and employment with the federal government. 你必须是班上高年级的三年级学生. 


    马歇尔奖学金 资助年轻的美国学生到英国学习. Up to 50 students are selected on an annual basis to study at the graduate level in any field of study at any U.K. 高等院校. 


    米切尔奖学金 is designed to introduce and connect students to the island of Ireland and connect future American leaders who demonstrate intellectual achievement, 领导, 以及对服务的承诺. 在作为米切尔学者开始学习之前必须有本科学位吗. 


    支持来自世界各地的优秀学生 罗兹奖学金 研究生奖学金是否提供在牛津大学学习的机会. 必须在牛津大学全球赌博十大网站前完成本科学位. 


    Udall本科基础 为对领导力感兴趣的大学二年级和三年级学生提供奖学金, public service and are committed to issues related to/around Native American nations or to the environment. 必须是大二或大三的学生吗.